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HVAC summer tune up

It's a good idea to have an HVAC summer maintenance checklist before you begin running your AC unit.

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HVAC summerAn important part of HVAC ownership is performing a systems check twice a year. It's a good idea to have an HVAC summer maintenance checklist before you begin running your AC unit, and then go through it again in the early fall before you begin using the heat.

The warranty on many new units covers the price of preventative maintenance. An experienced HVAC contractor can provide you with an HVAC estimate on a summer tune-up if your warranty does not cover it.

When considering your HVAC summer usage, it's important to check air conditioner parts for any damage or wear. These will need to be replaced by your maintenance technician. To keep your unit running at its very best, your HVAC contractor can give you AC maintenance tips on keeping the unit clean and improving indoor air quality.

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According to WebMD, HEPA filters help trap air pollutants such as dust mites, mold spores and pet dander, removing them from the air. For best results, the filters should be replaced every three months.

Another item you need to look at and clean during your HVAC summer tune-up is the condensate drain, which is the line that leads out of your home. When this drain clogs, water can back up in your home and cause major water damage.

Typically, any homeowner can perform drain ports maintenance without the need of a professional by pouring a mix of equal parts bleach and warm water through the line and cleaning out the tank.

Cleaning evaporator coils and condenser coils will also keep air flowing freely, which will improve the efficiency of your unit. It's a good idea to get your contractor to perform this particular sort of maintenance, however.

An inaccurate thermostat can increase your AC and furnace bills. As a part of your routine maintenance, thermostat maintenance includes calibrating the thermostat and checking for accuracy. If your thermostat has failed, you will need to have it replaced to ensure your unit works properly. Other parts of your HVAC system that will be checked include:

    • Fan motor and blades.
    • Electric wiring and connections.
    • Switches.
    • Bearings.
    • Air ducts.
    • Coolant levels and operating pressure.
    • Removal of all debris and leaves around the outside unit.
    • Inspecting and lubricating the blower.

Your HVAC unit is one of the largest investments in your home. Keeping it running at its best will lower your overall heating and AC bills. If you put off scheduled maintenance of your HVAC, summer may  find you needing to replace your air conditioner or be faced with costly repairs. Locate an HVAC specialist near you who can get your unit ready for warm weather.

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