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How to install a natural slate roof

Unless you have existing roofing skills, you should hire someone to install your natural slate roof.

How to install an aluminum roof

Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional to install your aluminum roof, it is good to know the steps. Read on to increase your knowledge.

Install a metal roof: a how-to guide

Installing metal roofs can be difficult. Read this article to determine if you can do it yourself, or if you need to hire a professional.

Composite roofing prices, pros and cons

When it comes to cost, composite roofing prices are pretty low. Learn more about composite roofs.

Wood roofing shingles prices, pros and cons

Wood shingle roof prices may shock you and the roof itself may not be worth the maintenance. Yet aesthetically, they are quite nice. It’s your choice.

Natural slate roofing prices, pros and cons

Slate roofing prices will make you whistle. While their appearance will catch your eye.

Aluminum roofing prices, pros and cons

Once disregarded as only for farms, aluminum roofing is making a comeback. Find out more on aluminum roofing prices and the pros and cons of the material.

Aluminum roofing vs composite roofing

Choosing aluminum roofing vs composite roofing can be a complex process. It is important to understand the basics, including the pros and cons of each.

Aluminum roofing vs wood shake roofing

An overview of aluminum roofing versus wood shake roofing, covering styles and benefits of each. Read more to expand your knowledge.

Aluminum roofing vs traditional tile roofing

When comparing aluminum roofing vs traditional tile roofing, the main differences are costs, maintenance and personal preference.