Frigidaire vs Maytag AC prices, pros and cons
Comparing Frigidaire vs. Maytag AC units is one of the easiest ways to assess the benefits of these different units and decide which is the best choice for your needs.
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After a rough day at work, you probably look forward to coming home to a cool house. A good quality air conditioner can make that happen. Comparing Frigidaire vs. Maytag AC units is one of the easiest ways to assess the benefits of these different units and decide which is the best choice for your needs.
Get free quotes on Frigidaire vs Maytag ACs today!
Frigidaire air conditioners
Frigidaire offers so many choices you might find it hard to narrow down your selection.
Window units start at less than $200 and rise to nearly $1,000. You can install the unit on your own without hiring any help.
Built-in air conditioners cost around $700 to $1,000. While these units look like window ACs, the devices often provide more cool air.
If you decide that you want something a little more powerful, you can choose one of the central air units. These larger units have a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of 13.5 to 24.5 and use far less energy than the other units.
Frigidaire also makes ductless units that work like central air, but don't they need any ducts to function.
Maytag air conditioners
Comparing Frigidaire vs. Maytag AC products shows Maytag only makes central air units. The SEER on these units ranges from 13 to 24.5. You can choose between single- and two-stage ACs.
Maytag lets you narrow down your choice based on the comfort levels you need. You can find an AC unit that runs quietly, produces even temperatures, removes humidity and reduces hot and cold spots. You can also find Energy Star rated products.
Once you hire a contractor, you can ask him for an estimate or talk to him about air conditioner prices. Maytag has units priced at less than $1,500 and units that cost more than $4,000.
Warranty info
Your contractor can give you more detailed information about the warranty on the air conditioner you choose, and he can check your current HVAC system.
By hiring a contractor who can install air conditioner products you won't void your warranty, but you might find it helpful to compare Frigidaire vs. Maytag AC products in terms of their warranties.
Maytag has a 12-year warranty on its air conditioners. While Frigidaire offers a 10-year warranty. Both companies request that you register your product after purchasing and installing it.
When those dog days of summer hit, you might find yourself feeling so comfortable at home that you don't even need to take a vacation. A good air conditioner can turn your home into your own private sanctuary.
Locate licensed contractors in your area. Get estimates, talk to those contractors, and find one who can get the job done quickly. Comparing Frigidaire vs. Maytag AC products will help you figure out which product you want before you hire that contractor.