Front door paint colors reviewed
When looking to upgrade, it's important to consider a wide range of potential front door paint colors.
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If you're looking for something new or hoping to boost your home's curb appeal, painting your front door is a perfect way to provide a low-budget spruce-up. When looking to upgrade, it's important to consider a wide range of potential front door paint colors.
While a flashy facade may be what you're going for, your home might not be suited for such a look. A good place to start is to examine house color schemes. Knowing what shades work with your home's palette is essential to avoid clashing colors.
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When looking at front door paint colors, know what look you're aiming for and stick to your guns. The front door is typically the primary focus of your home's facade and it influences the first impression of your home to visitors.
Homeowners today are loving softer colors like Farrow & Ball's Dayroom Yellow. Such colors are great for both neutral and colorful siding. These colors can be difficult to apply over darker colors, requiring a coating of primer for an ideal look.
Benjamin Moore offers a line of zero-VOC premium paint in contemporary colors that typically don't require pesky primer before use. Best of all, these paints are safe for use around pets and children.
Sherwin-Wiliam's Roycroft Bottle Green offers a bolder look that also works with an array of siding.
Those who own home's with a stone or brick exterior need to be a tad careful with today's trends as things can quickly get ugly. Pick an existing color in your home's look and go from there as picking something completely off the color wheel can backfire.
If you're really looking to make your house pop, search for front door paint colors that have personality like Pratt & Lambert's Empire Yellow or the scrumptious Raspberry Glaze by Benjamin Moore. These colors will go best with a front door that's surrounded by a lot of windows or containing plenty of glass. The glass prevents the color from being too flashy by breaking up the look against your home's siding.
Only choose flashy colors if your home's siding is neutral since too much color can look gaudy or overdone.
An intricately windowed door will be challenging to paint, so hire a professional painter to handle it for you. Getting a painting estimate from multiple contractors is suggested to get the best bang for your buck. Overall it is best to have your front door painted when having all of your home's exterior painted.
For those with more subdued taste, check out Gingersnap, a rustic brown shade from C2 Paint. Such shades of brown are perfect for injecting your home with a warm, welcoming exterior finish.
Eggplant is a more modern pick, like Brindjal by Farrow & Ball. This hue is both serious and stylish, making it an excellent choice for someone looking for the best of both worlds.
Picking a paint color takes time but is well worth the effort in the end. By examining your home's exterior and knowing your style, your choices can be narrowed significantly. Your home says a lot about you, all beginning with its entry. Check out plenty of front door paint colors and get estimates before making your final choice. You may just find a surprising shade that suits your style.
Related resource: Painting square foot cost: a how-to review
Photo credit: helen.2006 via Compfight CC.