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Comfortmaker air conditioner prices: pros, cons and quotes

Comfortmaker air conditioners stand out from the rest when it comes to noise levels.

Honeywell vs Carrier prices, pros and cons: a smart thermostat guide

Thermostats are essential for controlling your heating and cooling costs. A Honeywell vs. Carrier thermostat comparison can help determine which will work best in your home.

Ecobee vs Homewerks Radio prices, pros and cons: a thermostat guide

In an ecobee vs Homewerks Radio comparison, it comes down to which features you desire.

Whirlpool air conditioners: pros, cons and costs

Your quick overview of Whirlpool air conditioners, features and prices.

GE air conditioners: pros, cons and costs

GE air conditioners come in many varieties, and their prices are very reasonable.

Green air conditioning options

Green air conditioning is the way to go. Read this comprehensive guide now.

Maytag air conditioners: pros, cons and costs

A comprehensive guide to Maytag air conditioners and prices — completely made in the U.S.A.

Ecobee vs Honeywell prices, pros and cons: a smart thermostat guide

Jump into the ecobee vs Honeywell debate. Which thermostat will you go with?

Air conditioner troubleshooting: a cheat sheet

At some point in time, you'll need to troubleshoot your air conditioner. Read these maintenance tips. If your problem is greater, we can pair you with AC contractors.

How to cool a house

Energy efficient tips on how to cool a house or apartment.